Planets in alignment for catch up

Site updated on 14 Jul 2012

On July 11-12th Stephen had some meetings and talks at Sunshine Coast University which offered a perfect opportunity to catch up with friends Clan Outridge and Chamberlain in Maleny. Stephen hadn't visited Jon & Margaret's for a number of years (the girls and Ted had come down for Terry's wake last year) nor dropped in on Ted and Lee for a while.

The timing was great - Margaret Outridge was heading off in the morning with Catherine to Europe, it was Lee Chamberlain's birthday, Satoru and family were arriving from their home in Colarado, Fuji turned up, and Paulie's nephew Stefan had an exhibition opening. Stephen caught up with Satoru and his lads 4 years ago briefly at Sydney airport but hadn't seen Jodie since he dropped in on them when they lived in England in 1997. It was great to see Ted and Sat together (pals of Stephen's since childhood). Satoru has been doing orthopaedics in Colorado for many years.

Stephen had lived with Jon during their student days (excuse the rough pages linked here- some Stephen created over a decade ago) so they also go back some decades.

It was great to catch up with old friends and introduce Paulie to some of them.

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Lee joins us for dinner at the Outridge Farm

Jon and Lawrence

The classic big country kitchen in action

Ted turns up from work- he's on call.

Patient's must expect him to pull a rabbit out during PRs

Lending helpful hands

Jenny is 14 but still has some life in her.

Time to pretend to do some work

Margaret prepares for a flight in the morning and a walk from Bath to the Cotswolds.

Whilst Catherine prepares to go it alone in Cardiff and London as well as tour about

Locals bed down

Jon takes the gals to the airport. Paulie and Stephen stay and relax.

A rainy day in the mountains

Then off to lunch. Great timing! Satoru and Jodie arrive from Colorado

And it's Lee's 50th. Lunch is prepared

A cut down tea cermony

Fuji turns up after taking the train from Brisbane

Nice camera in the new iPad

Father and Son bond after a long flight

Wisdom from Grandma?

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